Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Brightening up a dull day...

Today has been a bit of a bad day. My first day back at work after a week of galavanting around the countryside (French & English); it was raining, my alarm went off at 5.30, I was hungry all day after a week of eating whatever I wanted, my feet were killing after a week of not wearing heels...I could go on (but don't worry, I won't).

The day's only saving grace was that I was able to get out of work on time, and so thought I would withstand my foot pain a little while longer and take a wander around the huge Boots on Oxford Street. It sounds horrendously materialistic but when I'm feeling super sorry for myself for no serious reason, a little retail-therapy really does help to beat those blues.

Not that I'm flighty with my purchases though - as I'm sure you do, I keep a mental shopping list on the go of things I'd love to treat myself with, and this seemed like a good opportunity to pick something out.

I've been reading about Real Techniques brushes for ages now - parented by one half of Youtube cosmetic how-to virtuoso Pixiwoo, Sam Chapman's make-up brushes have been causing a storm. Last week I stumbled upon a demonstration she carried out in the aforementioned Boots (Sasha happened upon her appearance, her blog post about it is here), of what she calls her 'Triple-blush' technique (the video in question is here). I tried her technique this morning and, even after two terrible night's sleep, an early morning gym session & accidentally leaving my foundation at home, many a colleague told me I looked 'well', 'refreshed' or 'like I'd caught the sun'. That's good enough for me! I haven't had new make-up brushes for years, so thought this new blush trick deserved the Real Techniques treatment.

I'll be trying them out tomorrow (post work-out, I'm no slacker) and will be sure to give you an update (although from the countless reviews, blog posts & various other love-ins I've read, I'm pretty sure what my opinion will be!).

In the mean time, I'm off to snuggle under my 13.5 tog and watch The Accidental Husband on BBC iPlayer. Yes world, today was that bad.

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